Immunization: report on statewide program -
Act 222
Life and public service [AJR-1] - JR-10
Dependent of a veteran: definition modified -
Act 255
Residency requirements for veteran benefits revised -
Act 255
Retraining grant program expanded re underemployed veterans [Sec. 2015, 9358 (2)] -
Act 27
Service conditions re benefit eligibility -
Act 255
Special distinguishing registration plates commemorating the 150th anniversary of Wisconsin statehood; Sesquicentennial commission appropriation and supplements; veterans honorary medal decals provision -
Act 445
Special distinguishing registration plates re U.S. armed services: transferrable to surviving spouse
Act 253
Veteran RSVP program repealed [Sec. 1040d, 2001m] -
Act 27
Veterans rehabilitation program eligibility revised; DVA grants authorized -
Act 129
Veterans' vital records: service officer may obtain re benefit entitlement [Sec. 2008g, 3343u, w] -
Act 27
Wisconsin veterans cemeteries: operation and eligibility conditions expanded -
Act 255
Wisconsin veterans cemeteries: operation and eligibility revisions; fee for burial authorized [Sec. 1043, 2004-2008] -
Act 27
Part-time study grant program; accredited out-of-state schools made eligible [Sec. 2009-2013, 9358 (1)]
Act 27
Tuition and fee reimbursement provisions [Sec. 1040g, 1995k, q, 9158 (1g), 9358 (3v), 9458 (3v)]
Act 27
Tuition and fee reimbursement revised -
Act 255
Veterans rehabilitation program eligibility revised; DVA grants authorized -
Act 129
Assisted living facility program created; DHSS and DOA duties set [Sec. 817j, 2232, 2255, 2949, 2974b, 3221b-g, 3234b, 3244g, 4387n, 9126 (6), 9426 (4)] [3234b — partial veto; 817j — vetoed] -
Act 27
Health care aid grants for veterans or dependents provided [Sec. 1040p, q, 1999g, 9458 (1x)] -
Act 27
Hospital established at the Wisconsin veterans home at King; made exempt from moratorium [Sec. 2008n, 2952g, 4387m, 4392bm, dg, dm] -
Act 27
Hospital established at the Wisconsin veterans home at King; made exempt from moratorium -
Act 20
Wisconsin veterans cemeteries: PR appropriation created to pay for burials [Sec. 1037] -
Act 27
Wisconsin veterans home: eligibility for membership revised -
Act 123
Wisconsin veterans home energy cost appropriations [Sec. 396, 1036] -
Act 27
DVA bond refunding authority increased -
Act 57
Mortgage loan restrictions re home improvements modified -
Act 255
Veterans mortgage loan escrow accounts: interest payment required -
Act 252
Veterans mortgage loan program: bonding authority raised [Sec. 1168] -
Act 27
Veterans rehabilitation program eligibility revised; DVA grants authorized -
Act 129
Military memorials for women: DOA grants authorized -
Act 254
STH 33 designated and marked ``84th Division `Railsplitters' Memorial Highway"; funding from contributions required
Act 297
Veterans memorials: DOT authorized to donate certain property with Governor's approval -
Act 406
Veterans programs, Council on: membership expanded -
Act 120
Economic assistance loan funding adjusted [Sec. 9261 (1)] -
Act 216
Economic assistance loan program: amount increased; eligibility revised [Sec. 2000-2000g] -
Act 27
Health care aid grants for veterans or dependents provided [Sec. 1040p, q, 1999g, 9458 (1x)] -
Act 27
County veterans' service officers: eligibility revised -
Act 255
DVA bond refunding authority increased -
Act 57
DVA bonding authority modified -
Act 255
Economic assistance loan program: amount increased; eligibility revised [Sec. 2000-2000g] -
Act 27
Executive assistant funding reductions: modification of [Sec. 9261 (4), (5)] -
Act 216
Hospital established at the Wisconsin veterans home at King; made exempt from moratorium [Sec. 2008n, 2952g, 4387m, 4392bm, dg, dm] -
Act 27
Hospital established at the Wisconsin veterans home at King; made exempt from moratorium -
Act 20
National guard tuition grant program revised; sale of armory in Whitefish Bay and other unneeded properties [Sec. 466g, j, 1029r, 1033, 1034p, 1219i-1223, 9141 (2b), 9341 (2)] [1219j — partial veto; 1029r — vetoed]
Act 27
Southeastern Wisconsin state veterans cemetery: funding for [Sec. 9261 (2), (3)] -
Act 216
Tuition and fee reimbursement provisions [Sec. 1040g, 1995k, q, 9158 (1g), 9358 (3v), 9458 (3v)]
Act 27
Tuition and fee reimbursement revised -
Act 255
Veterans museum: receipt of gifts and bequests authorized; funding provided [Sec. 1038m, 1040, 1041, 1042, 1406, 1998, 1999, 9458 (1g)] -
Act 27
Veterans rehabilitation program eligibility revised; DVA grants authorized -
Act 129
Veterans' vital records: service officer may obtain re benefit entitlement [Sec. 2008g, 3343u, w] -
Act 27
Wisconsin veterans cemeteries: operation and eligibility conditions expanded -
Act 255
Wisconsin veterans cemeteries: operation and eligibility revisions; fee for burial authorized [Sec. 1043, 2004-2008] -
Act 27
Economic assistance loan funding adjusted [Sec. 9261 (1)] -
Act 216
Veterinary examining board membership revised; ``animal technician" changed to ``veterinary technician"
Act 321
Little Rock Lake in Vilas county: acidification experiment project completion date extended -
Act 258
Alley vacating: objection procedure revised -
Act 239
Natural watercourse obstructions: removal authority extended to land located in villages -
Act 315
Boating ordinances: enactment procedures revised; certain factors and ordinances specified; DNR authority re placement of navigational aids or markers -
Act 152
Firearms or parts of firearms regulation by local governments: laws revised; sport shooting range provision; exemption for certain political subdivision requiring a 7-day waiting period -
Act 72
Immobilization device used to enforce parking restrictions: ordinance by local government or rule by U.W. chancellors permitted under certain conditions; parking enforcer license required -
Act 434
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